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A Resource of Elmwood's PeopleI will continue and explore each of these priorities, although some of the implementation strategies may overlap within the five priorities I will try not be repetitive. A Business Development Strategyto Revitalize the Downtown Business DistrictI welcome your input, which I will publish here, if you want to email me. I will probably be revising this over the next couple of days, it seems I have to reword, correct spelling, and clarify anything I write over several days. I do hope my edits lead to better writing; sometimes it seems the end result still makes the concept of better writing a debatable issue. Five top priorities of a successful economic plan 1) Increasing profitability of Elmwood businesses 2) Twenty-first century business recruitment 3) Tri-generational sustainable development 4) Synergy of multiple economic enterprises 5) Raising Elmwood's standard of living
What raises my standard of living? Many might suggest more money, but more money may not really raise any one's standard of living. Reflect on your own experience do kids from rich families turn out to be better students and citizens? Can't you find as many good students and responsible citizens from families of modest means as those from the wealthy? There is nothing that increases our community's and our nation's standard of living as much as young people who are good students who become responsible citizens. There is nothing as a parent more satisfying than children who are responsible, hard working, and caring people. If you are reading my five principles in sequence you may wonder why I am discussing parenting and families, isn't parenting and families really a private matter? The community that helps build better families is the community with the higher standard of living. A community that allows its citizens to have enriched lives is a community with the resources to attract people to build their lives here.
Send Your Elmwood Recovery IdeasStudy Other Recovered CommunitiesGreensburg KS Parkersburg IA Utica Illinois |
My church has been growing; we are made vibrant by young families. We have engaged in a building campaign with a focus on being able to better serve these young families. Why would we have nurseries and children's activities during church services? Isn't it the parents responsibility to raise their own kids and keep them quiet enough during church not to disturb the dozing? We do these things because it helps young families raise better children. Our community has always raised better children. A safe town with good schools and youth activities. A good part time job is also an important development step for many young people. We need to look at a new development that makes the lives of our citizens richer with better opportunities to raise families. The more of life's needs we can provide here in Elmwood the more enriched will be the lives of families. Elmwood needs medical services, food markets, entertainment, health and exercise centers, and services for maintaining our daily needs. If you can walk to or quickly drop in for a child's appointment and get back to work afterwards, then a community is serving the needs of balancing families and work. We need to look at how a new development can enhance our daily lives, help strengthen families, and adapt to future needs. Elmwood's standard of living is truly the strength of our citizens in being able to provide an enriched family life. It is the hook, we have to sell, to attract people: to move here, bring their businesses here, and seek to raise their children here. We must look at a new development that can enrich our lives. A growing economy that makes it possible to work in Elmwood and rarely have to leave. I only want to leave when I want to. Not when I have to because of Elmwood's inability to provide for life's needs. So, I encourage you to participate in this second stage project. Elmwood needs your ideas, knowledge, and efforts. We need to put enough energy into this second stage project to give it the thrust necessary to put Elmwood in a stable orbit for the 21st century. Please join in this movement. Email me or dsicuss it on Facebook. Latest Section Silicon Prairie |