Stockton Missouri
Elmwood Response? Utica Illinois Tech on the Prairie |
A Resource of Elmwood's PeopleA Business Development Strategyto Revitalize the Downtown Business DistrictFive top priorities of a successful economic plan 1) Increasing profitability of Elmwood businesses 2) Elmwood 21st Century business recruitment 3) Tri-generational sustainable development 4) Synergy multiple economic enterprises 5) Raising Elmwood's standard of living -------------- A New Age for our Pioneers I know many have had their doubts, as I've talked about getting new firms to relocate to Elmwood, some have said "Oh, they won't come to Elmwood." Today, I think I will rely less on my own words and invite you to read and watch the words of others. People are rethinking success in these times. Fulfillment means many things, but few will highlight traffic jams on freeways as fulfillment. How many times does a person miss a major event in their child's life, because travel times made it impossible? As they find life more hectic and less fulfilling, they will look for a new place where life is more about life. Elmwood has a charm as Cathy Windish said in her community letter. Offering someone a place where profits can accompany charm and fulfillment, now, that is salable real estate. I think you will enjoy reading this CNN web article, I am sure you will see what is possible for Elmwood. Join CNN's Tom Foreman as he shows how Kansans are using smart ideas to survive tough times. "Building Up America" Read this from the CNN web article, "A generation of young workers flocked there at the turn of the millennium, drawn by job opportunities and the fast-paced lifestyle that the big cities provide. But the priorities of a 30-year-old can be dramatically different from those of a 20-something.. 'I started realizing that while I loved what I did, I wanted more balance. My goal wasn't to become the CEO of a Fortune 500 company anymore but to have a better quality of life.' A change was coming for Brauer, and fortunately the Web would provide." Josh Rubin " Techies reject coasts for 'Silicon Prairie'" on CNN Web This is exactly the market we as the community of Elmwood must pursue. Are we doing this? Are we getting Elmwood into the frustrated commuter's mind? No we are not; we are too caught up in our own immediate crisis to be pursuing a future economy for Elmwood. |
Send Your Elmwood Recovery IdeasStudy Other Recovered CommunitiesGreensburg KS Parkersburg IA Utica Illinois ZDNET goes to the Prairie
Elmwood has the ability to make a business more profitable, life styles more rewarding, in an environment that is healthier. We need someone, a committee, or group to do this; market Elmwood. We need to be doing this right, now. It is why we need everyone, we a need a vast social network. Actually, the Elmwood Community is a vast social network; we just need to ask it to become involved. We need to organize ourselves and start doing this. It is Friday so not today, but how about next week? Please join in this movement. Email me or discuss it on Facebook. Actually, it is OK to think I'm crazy; you may be right. A repeat from priority five Standard of Living , sometimes repetition helps in driving home a point. It is the hook, we have to sell, to attract people: to move here, bring their businesses here, and seek to raise their children here. We must look at a new development that can enrich our lives. A growing economy that makes it possible to work in Elmwood and rarely have to leave. I only want to leave when I want to. Not when I have to because of Elmwood's inability to provide for life's needs. So, I encourage you to participate in this second stage project. Elmwood needs your ideas, knowledge, and efforts. We need to put enough energy into this second stage project to give it the thrust necessary to put Elmwood in a stable orbit for the 21st century. Please join in this movement. Email me or discuss it on Face book. |