Lowes Heroes help Elmwood
The West Park shelter is being rebuilt on a breezy cool day. Lowe's has a volunteer team that helps on projects to help the surrounding communities.

More Photos
I hope it will shelter many picnics and afternoon snack times. Thank you, Lowe's Heroes please come back on a beautiful day and enjoy your efforts. Maybe, the city will organize a picnic in the park as a thank you. Saturday, November 13, 2010 11:54 AM
A Football Farewell

Alex and I end our time with football
Elmwood/Brimfield Cross Country
E/B girls take 2nd at the state meet. Rachel Brune lead the team placing 8th overall. E/B boys took 4th no individual placed in the top ten.
Election November 2nd
639 came to polls in Elmwood; over 100 voted early or absentee.
County Web Site Election Results
All Elmwood precincts vote at the Elmwood United Methodist Church which is located in the 800 block of West Main. It is an accessible facility. Polls open at 6 AM and close at 7 PM. Sample Ballot
Tuesday, November 2, 2010 5:16 AM
Correction grant is only for street projects,
no decision on original
grant from DCEO Saturday, November 13, 2010 12:19 PM
Grant to City Of Elmwood
A grant of $515,000 was given to Elmwood to help with development following tornado. It was the grant hoped to be $750,000, but it is good to have it awarded. Reconstruction of Palace Theater depended upon this grant, along with all the other sources of funds the Palace will be able to be restored. PJ Star Article Not as large as hoped for, but a welcome incentive all the same..
Monday, November 1, 2010 8:56 AM
E/B Boys win Sectional
E/B boys cross country team won the sectional meet on to state. E/B football lost to Clifton Central so on to basketball and weightlifting.
Election November 2nd
All Elmwood precincts vote at the Elmwood United Methodist Church which is located in the 800 block of West Main. It is an accessible facility. Polls open at 6 AM and close at 7 PM.
Early Voting in Elmwood Wednesday Oct 27th
Early voting today at Morrison and Mary Wiley Library from 10 AM to 6 PM. You can vote at other early voting locations in the county. Regular Election will be at the Elmwood UMC Church on Tuesday, November 2nd for all Elmwood precincts from 6 AM to 7 PM.
Early Voting began on October 11th here is the pdf of the Peoria County locatons. You can vote at these locations even the ones not in Elmwood. One form of ID required. The Elmwood date will be Wednesday Oct. 27th at the library from 10 AM to 6 PM. or you can wait until November 2. Voting on one day only seems right to me first Tuesday following the first Monday. Sample Ballot Tuesday, October 26, 2010 5:00 PM
E/B will play Clifton Central in 1st Round of Playoffs
The game will be on Saturday, Oct. 30th at 5:00 PM.
Clifton Central Comets Facebook IHSNN are used to being in the playoffs, the Comets will be a tough opponent. Drive time is estimated to be 2 hours and 30 minutes. Sangamon Valley Conference
Interested in Illinois football you may like this web site, Illinois Pigskin
Boys Cross Country Wins Regional on to Sectional
Girls Cross Country place 3rd in Regional
E/B Trojans Win 30 to 14 over B-PC/A Spartans

The victory clinched a playoff berth for the Trojans who ended the regular season with a 6 and 3 record. All teams with six wins in a season clinch playoff berths. Some 5 win teams make it, but others do not. The play off pairings show will be on Ch 59 WAOE at 8 PM. The opponent and game site will be announced at that time. After a 1 - 8 season last year our Elmwood and Brimfield athletes should be feeling good this morning. PJ Star's Stan Morris did a feature on the Trojans this morning; I could not find the story on the web site, so I guess you'll have to buy a paper. Congratulations Trojans!
Football Essays Written for West Prairie Trail .org
I intend to write one more when Alex takes his helmet off for the last time, 3 more games.
Updates on Local Business
I had lunch at J & G Cafe yesterday. It was my first visit since reopening. I was impressed. It is so much as before, yet so nicely redecorated. The new hard wood floor in the back is a nice touch. Another good thing the food is that down home, country cafe perfect as it was before. Follow Facebook J&G Country Cafe for updates.
Bees and Blooms now Open. Photos of Cafe and Bees and Blooms
Daley Insurance is temporarily operating out of trailer on corner of Main and Magnolia. Wednesday, October 20, 2010 9:44 AM

Follow up on Senior Night

After a great victory every youg girl wants to be on the E/B spirit squad
Elmwood/Brimfield pulled off a great upset victory over 10th ranked 1A team North Fulton (Cuba) & (Valley) Coop on Friday night. The final score was 18 to 14. E/B had led most of the game, but North Fulton took the lead 14 to 12 with about 4 minutes left in the 4th quarter. It looked like a great effort by the Trojans would come up short. The kick off was returned to the fifty and the Trojans scored the go ahead touchdown on a 3 yard pass with 19 seconds remaining. The Trojans now have a 5 and 3 record with a good shot at making the play offs.

Emergency services saved the life of a student who passed out in the west stands. The life flight helicopter was brought in to the north of the school. All this happened during the second half. The life flight helicopter took off before the end of the fourth quarter. The student is stable and scheduled to be released today. The skilled and immediate response saved a life in this situation, another opportunity to thank our dedicated emergency personnel. Tuesday, October 19, 2010 9:50 AM
Senior Night Friday Night October 15th
The last home football game for the Elmwood/Brimfield Trojans will be Friday night at Whitney Field. It will be Senior Night where all Seniors on the team, spirit squad, and band will be recognized. E/B will be playing the North Fulton Wildcats who are having a good season. The Wildcats lost to Lewistown last week. E/B beat the Havana Ducks in close game at Havana. It looks to be an ideal night come out and support the school. E/B could make the playoffs if they can win one of their two remaining games, definitely if they win both. Thursday, October 14, 2010 1:17 PM
On October 5th PJ Star did a story on A+ schools like Elmwood
Dave Haney PJ Star
Alex and I will once again be announcing at Friday Night's game; I think we have the sound system figured out. It only took three weeks. Knox College plays at Illinois College in Jacksonville on Saturday at 1 PM. Alex a former Trojan now a Prairie Fire starts at left guard for Knox, who won their first game last week. Winning isn't everything but it does feel good.
Kiwanis Peanut Day

Key club members help other Kiwanis with annual peanut day. $445.95 was raised. Added a of couple photos. More Photos Click Thanks to Ken Blum for organizing this event. A big thank you to the high school kids who could have thought of many other things to do on a Saturday morning, possibly sleep. Wednesday, October 6, 2010 1:21 PM
Early Voting Begins
Early Voting begins on October 11th here is the pdf of the Peoria County locatons. You can vote at these locations even the ones not in Elmwood. One form of ID required. The Elmwood date will be Wednesday Oct. 27th at the library from 10 AM to 6 PM. or you can wait until November. Voting on one day only seems right to me. Sample Ballot Tuesday, October 5, 2010 6:51 PM
J and G Cafe Awning a welcome sign

The new awning is a good sign. I think everyone is looking forward to the reopeing of the J & G Cafe. They have announced opening October 11th, 7:00 AM. I may not be up, I am sure many of you consider it the middle of the day.
Bees and Blooms and the Elmwood Laundromat are set to open soon as well. I took a few photos, Fall colors are starting to show through. I think this is going to be a beautiful Fall. I would have taken a few more, but Nanccy told me to get going as I was driving her to Memphis. More Photos Click
Tuesday, October 5, 2010 11:50 AM
Black Out Night
Over $5000 was raised for Easter Seals by Elmwood/Brimfield and Farmington. A great achievement; a great game as Farmington won 21 to 20. E/B came up a foot short on the two point conversion to win it with 12 seconds left in the 4th Quarter. E/B plays at Havana on Friday and Farmington has homecoming with the Beardstown Tigers coming to the Farmer field. Tuesday, October 5, 2010 11:44 AM
Support Spirit Squad Tonight
Avanti's and Cent. IL Proud.com are running a contest to highlight school spirit. Elmwood/Brimfield has a feature read and watch Elmwood/Brimfield Spirit It is great that local media like WBMD and local businesses show support to our schools, especially the small districts. Friday, October 1, 2010 12:05 PM
Do you know how good Elmwood Schools are?
If you don't follow the school report cards and other ratings, you should learn what an exceptional job the Elmwood school system is doing. It is administration and faculty, students, parents, and the community that all work together to make Elmwood an exceptional school system in an era of challenge. Governor candidate Bill Brady whose only solution to the state budget crisis is a 10% across the board cut, suggested that teachers forgo raises to help schools. Elmwood teachers did just that last year, so what other solutions does our Governor candidate have to offer? Elmwood schools tell our story, how a school with modest per pupil expenditures helps students excel. Tell this story to families you know considering where to raise their children. Well tell it to everyone; we should be proud of the school and especially our students.

Click to school web site another outstanding part of Elmwood schools. Friday, October 1, 2010 11:34 AM
City of Elmwood Poll on Recycling
The city was approached by Eagle Enterprisses Recycling to offer curb side recycling in Elmwood. There are two proposals one a citywide plan with fees added to water bill one with individual subscriptions at a higher rate. Read the details and return the survey which is on this PDF The survey must be returned to City Hall by October 15th at the current location on South Magnolia ST.
Donnie's Elmwood Tap is Open
Don Ferro has reopened the Elmwood Tap, it is on South Magnolia. I have photos of it and other photos taken around the area in September. Photo Shots September Bees and Blooms and the Elmwood Luandromat are set to open in October. Library is open while repairs are ongoing. Thursday, September 30, 2010 11:20 AM
Three Seasons in one Field
A good spring allowed most the corn to be planted on time, and then it rained, rained, and rained. Corn yields are good, but some fields in Western Illinois had such large wet spots it is hurting yields overall. Spoon River bottom was wet often it created this field with replanted areas to look like three seasons in one field. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 11:48 AM

Planted on many different times, harvest just once?
Sunday at Noon A Community Wide Church Picnic
A couple of years ago Crossroads, United Methodist, and First Presbyterian decided to have a community picnic in Central Park; it has turned into an annual thing. In June a strange event happened that delayed the community church picnic. A tornado arrived the week before and no one could find time for a picnic. It is scheduled for this Sunday Oct 3rd at 12 PM or just slightly after. Everyone is welcome it will be held in the large south lawn of the Presbyterian Church. The Elmwood Churches will provide hot dogs and hamburgers; people attending will be bringing side dishes, a pot luck lite. It will be a great opportunity to give thanks for a tumultuous year and renew our resolution to work together in the next. Tuesday, September 28, 2010 12:32 PM

I don't think the men will dress like this
Saturday Morning Kiwanis Peanut Day
Drive downtown and kick in a buck for Kiwanis Peanut Day. Volunteers will be collecting money for Kiwanis charities on Saturday morning. Also Saturday morning 4-H will be selling pork chop sandwiches at corner of Central Park. Peanuts and pork chops I could live on them, as long I could accompany them with milk and pie. Tuesday, September 28, 2010 12:15 PM
Friday Night Is Black --- Out
The Elmwood/Brimfield Trojans are hosting Black Out Night on Friday at Whitney Field. The annual Easter Seals fund raiser started by the E/B Trojans and Coach Hollis is being held by many area football teams. Farmington will be the guest Friday night and they are also participating in raising money for Easter Seals. Both teams who will compete on the field, but can cooperate to help others is an essential lesson that Black Out Night teaches every year. This will be the first time Farmington has played a football game in Elmwood in a long time. Farmington was a member of the Olympic conference for many years. This year a reformed Prairieland Conference allows Farmington and Elmwood/Brimfield to begin a new rivalry. Come out Friday night at 7 PM and help a great cause and see a great game. Tuesday, September 28, 2010 12:10 PM
Black Out Night Info
Photos Downtown New Attractive Paint on Laundromat
I thought it was time to take a few photos of Downtown. Doesn't the new paint design on the Laundromat look like it will be great?

Click for Photos
Streets are being resurfaced but are certainly getting a nice if oily smoothness. Wednesday, September 22, 2010 9:23 PM
New Fund Raiser by Lia Sophia
Penny Silzer, Lia Sophia Advisor, is hosting an open house with profits going to recovery fund. Saturday October 2, 2010, Elmwood Methodist Church, 2pm to 4 pm Wednesday, September 22, 2010 4:33 PM
Jeff and Monica Lampe
become owners of Heartland Outdoors
Jeff announced in his column Scatter Shooting he was leaving the PJ Star and Prairie State Outdoors to publish Heartland Outdoors.
Jeff wrote this "Effective today, my wife, Farmers State Bank, and I are proud owners of Heartland Outdoors, the popular statewide magazine started 24 years ago by Bill and Linda Love of Mapleton. Since Bill’s death three years ago, Linda has shouldered the entire operation. She’s eager for a break. We’re eager for a change. Starting in October you can find me on the pages of that magazine and at heartlandoutdoors.com. "

Jeff also announced in his column his candidacy for Elmwood City Council in 2011. Jeff and Monica and their children live in Ward 2. Jeff is a principal organizer of the Elmwood Outdoors Show
Follow the election season for Elmwood on this page Tuessday, September 22, 2010 2:35 PM
Justice Thomas Kilbride

Illinois Supreme Court Justice Thomas Kilbride was elected Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court. Past Chief Justice Thomas Fitzgerald retired from his term because of Parkinson's Disease. Justicce Kilbride is from our district, he spoke at Elmwood High School last year and meet with Elmwood citizens downtown. Sun Times
Homecoming at Elmwood
Dance Saturday in Multi Purpose Room
from 7 - 10:30 PM --- Coronation at 9 PM
Freshman Attendants
Nick Groeper Kaitlyn Morrison
Sophomore Attendants
Cal Vrchota McKenzie Coulter
Junior Attendant
Issac Ramsay Hailey McFall
Senior Attendants
Nick Almasi Jenna Scotti
King and Queen
Max Schelkopf Tessa Copple
Class Floats

The Elmwood/Brimfield Trojans will play the Rushville-Industry Rockets in tonight's Homecoming game. The game will begin at 7 PM, Parade this afternoon at 2 PM. An Orange and Black Day before Halloween. Friday, September 17, 2010 12:16 PM
Peoria County Financing of Museum Project
Board member for our district Brad Harding is concerned with the change in financing for the museum project. He feels that if museum fails to met projected revenues, the County will be forced to cover losses from general revenues. He thinks that the consultant studies suggest that the current project will place tax payers at risk throughout the County. He is among those trying to get a referendum on the ballot to allow voters to have a say in the financing of the project. There are petitions at the library, you have only a little over a week to sign these. I think it is good to give voters a voice.
Here are some News Links on this issue. WEEK WHOI ---- PJ Star Tuesday, September 14, 2010 11:31 PM
Community Center Update
Elmwood Community Center is still under construction. Roof reconstruction should begin within the next two weeks with completion, hopefully in a couple of months. The current members will get their mebership extended for six months due to tornado. If you have questions or suggestions, contact number is 742-8378. Tuesday, September 14, 2010 7:31 PM
Recovery an Implementation Plan
John Hamann presented an outline to develop an Recovery Implementation Plan at the last business owners meetings. It will require input and involvement from everyone. I have uploaded it as a PDF Click to View or Print It If Elmwood is to be successful we need an overall plan, and everyone's input will make it a well reasoned future oriented plan. I will be writing an article on the plan with each section reprinted and attempt to help move the discussion forward. Tuesday, September 14, 2010 11:31 AM
Fall Festival Looking Forward to 80
Fall Festival had a good run, rain ended things early on Friday night. Everyone seemed to think the four songs of the Brit Beat were really good, but storms prevented them from playing anymore. Many hope they will be back when weather allows them to finish. Weather was good for other events, Saturday everything was on track. Fall Festival needs people to fill the committees if it is going to continue. Please become a part of continuing a long running Elmwood Tradition. Face book page for Elmwood Fall Festival or send email to me and I will forward it to the right people. If you have a special interest, talent, or passion please list it. The Festival committtees will see that you can help with a part of Fall Festival that you can really make use of your talents. I would guess you wouldn't have to be a hog wrestler to organize a hog wrestling event, maybe know what a hog is. Monday, September 13, 2010 9:00 AM

All those lifts had a bird's eye view of Festival
A Tremendous Night for Fall Festival

For the kids it is always the carnival rides
A spectacular evening, the temperature was so pleasant. Our set (Closer to Free) went very well our audience contained many anxious parents waiting to prove their baby was the cutest. I am not sure what the contest categories there were; 40 yard dash, bench press, or singing, but I'm glad I wasn't a judge. After unloading equipment came back and listened to Breathe Atlantic a good group from Jacksonville. Facebook Page Come out tomorrow night for Beatles Tribute Band Web Site the Brit Beat Full Fall Festival Schedule Click Here Come out and enjoy the fun. Thursday, September 9, 2010 11:18 PM
Death in Single Car Crash
PJ Star Article An 18 year old Brimfield woman died in this crash.
Local people tried to free victim, but fire stopped rescue efforts. Report on Local TV 25 CIProud Accident on Cahill and Brimfield RD according TV Report. Driver of car died and unidentified as yet. Wednesday, September 8, 2010 6:57 PM
State Routes IL 78 and 8
Resurfacing will commence on Monday, September 13th. Traffic will be controlled by flaggers, as state highways also the main streets in Elmwood are resurfaced.
E/B Trojans End Up on Top 20 to 13
The Abingdon Commandos of the Prairieland Black division came to Whitney Field Friday Night. A game plagued by penalties on both sides was close, stayed close, and ended with an exciting finish. Multiple offside penalties by the Trojans both defensive and offensive helped Abingdon to a 6 - 0 halftime lead. Elmwood scored in the third quarter tying the score. After a pressured punt attempt lead to Abingdon turning the ball over deep inside Trojan territory E/B took the ball in for a second touchdown and a 12 to 6 lead. The Trojan defense, which had looked good in the second half, forgot that a forward pass is allowed in modern football. Abingdon QB Trent Ray found a wide open Tim Goodman for a 81 yd touchdown, the Commandos kicked the PAT and took a late 4th quarter lead 13 to 12. After an E/B fumble the Trojans stepped up on defense to get one last chance. As the seconds ticked off it looked as if the E/B ground-grinding clock-eating game would run out of time. E/B reached in the old special play lock box and out came the hook and ladder. This play took the ball close to the goal line as E/B's Szidon was knocked out of bounds. E/B crossed the goal line with 29.9 seconds left. After the two point conversion E/B came away with 20 to 13 win. E/B Trojans facebook. E/B travels to Beardstown on Friday night Sept. 10th.
The Famous Boise State Fiesta Bowl Catch and Pitch
Saturday, September 4, 2010 10:31 AM
PraireLand |
Blue |
Elmwood/Brimfield |
2-0 |
Beardstown |
1-1 |
Farmington |
1-1 |
Knoxville |
0-2 |
Rushville-Industry |
0-2 |
Havana |
0-2 |
PraireLand |
Black |
Abingdon |
1-1 |
Bushnell-PC/Avon |
2-0 |
Lewistown |
2-0 |
North Fulton |
2-0 |
Peoria Heights |
0-2 |
South Fulton |
1-1 |
Sketches of Elmwood Sites Available
The Landmark Preservation Team is selling matted and signed pen and ink drawings by David Alan Badger of historical Elmwood landmarks.
David Alan Badger Studio
The prints may be viewed and purchased at the Morrison Mary Wiley Library.
Landmark Preservation Team
PJ Star Terry Bibo
Article on Elmwood clean up efforts Friday Morning Life Lessons in Elmwood Clean up continues on Saturday starting at 8:30 AM.
Elmwood/Brimfield Trojans Opening Night
The Trojans looked good in the opening game at Peoria Heights. The Peoria Heights Bowl is a great place to watch a game and on this lovely evening an overflow crowd came out to watch and cheer. Alex had to be back for a team meeting at ten so we left just before half. I have reports that E/B won 35 to 12. The E/B Trojans have a facebook group E/B Trojans I added some Game Photos to Photos of Friday Morning

Trojan Web Site
Scot Hilyard on Palace Theater
Good update on Palace Theater in the PJ Star Click to Read
If you missed Practical Steps Read it Now following through in this small way will actually Save the Palace keep doing the Buy a Ticket to the Palace ($8000 plus raised online)
Buy a seat and other fund raisers. Save the Palace and on Facebook Palace Facebook
If you have a story about the Palace Theater I would love to share it on Elmwood Tales. Friday, August 27, 2010 3:17 PM
First Day of Clean Up Day
The Downtown came to life this morning. painting, flower planting, landscaaping around trees and many other tasks. The help of the Elmwood High School PE classes was greatly appreciated. A swarm of activity moved things along. Tomorrow at 8:30 AM work should pick up with a great effort already completed. There is so much to do to make it better if not all well. Photos of Friday Morning Well just a few some one stuck a shovel in my hands and made me put down the camera.

Friday, August 27, 2010 1:31 PM
Erik Wouldn't Want Me to Publish This
Knox madeThe Huffington Post's == Best Kept Secrets List == 10 Colleges You Should Know About
See Knox and others on list click here As Alex always reminds Erik Let's see did you know we hosted a Lincoln-Douglas Debate? What did Monmouth College do? To which Erik replies I think we beat you 56 to 13 last year in the Turkey Bowl. Friday, August 27, 2010 1:24 PM
PJ Star Local Football
Features of local schools includes Elmwood/Brimfield Trojans. Article
Elmwood/Brimfield Trojans on WEEK and WHOI
Football team gets attention for Easter Seals fundraising efforts. Video and News Note on WEEK Sports The Trojans kick off the new season at Peoria Heights Friday Night. The Prairieland Conference has been reformed for football the West Prairie Trail has ended. The Lincoln Trial has also reformed and the West Central includes former Olympic members and those from the SouthWest Division of the WestPrairieTrail. The Trojans will be taking on new rivals in 2010 Farmington, Knoxville, Lewistown, Havana, or old rivals depending upon your perspective. Wednesday, August 25, 2010 9:23 PM
Keep Up on Twitter
I am going to post an update to twitter of Elmwood news updates. People will not get too many tweets because well there isn't a huge volume of news in Elmwood. It would only alert people to posts in this column, not other updates on the site. If you have a twitter account and want to follow tweets here is the profile http://twitter.com/Elmwoodilorg
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 10:58 AM
Spruce Up Days
On August 27th and 28th the Association of Commerce is organizing a downtown clean up or my words "Spruce Up Days" People are going to try make planters look beautiful again, store fronts as good as possible, and in general make Elmwood look welcoming and attractive as it always has. Meet at Central Park on Friday and Saturday at 8:30 AM. All the help you can offer would be appreciated. If you are willing to help out, send email to me steve@elmwoodil.org or talk with Assoc. of Commerce organizers Pat McQuire, Denise Hotz, or Dianne Ladd. Tuesday, August 24, 2010 6:21 PM
Long Time Business Closes
Our office is closed now but we would like to thank you for your support over the years. It has been a pleasure being your pet's doctor.
If you wish to get your pets records, please send a written request to County Line Veterinary Service, 2397 IL Route 8, Elmwood IL 61529 (or have your new veterinarian request the records.) Thanks and goodbye.
Dr. C. S. Dickinson
PS: Our auction will be held at County Line Vet Service on September 1 at 10 AM
We took several of our pets to County Line, thank you for helping our area's people and our animals for many years. Monday, August 23, 2010 11:09 PM
Sunday Youth Event
Elmwood Community Youth Group Swim Party at Maple Lane Country Club is on this Sunday from 3 to 6. We will be grilling out and then swimming. come on out Junior High and High School age kids for food and fun!
Main ST Diner and 97.3 Big River Country
Next Tuesday the 24th 97.3 River Country will be coming to the Main St. Diner for lunch from 11:30-1:00pm and we will be serving 97 Cent Chili Dog with Fries!!! Everyone come out and meet Rick and Jen and eat some good food!!!
Yates City Harvest Home Parade
More Parade Photos
Jodi McKinty of My Place is parade grand marshall. Her St Jude campaigns at My Place have raised over $180,000 since they started.

Parade has started with the color guard and Farmington Band leading the way.

Parade starts at 11:30 no rain but cloudy and humid.
I am a judge at the Yates City Parade. Awaiting sign up of Parade entrants.

Saturday, August 21, 2010 11:10 AM
Video Presentation Available
The video of slides that was presented at the Auditorium Open House on Sunday is available with a donation to the recovery fund. It costs the school five dollars so make a donation to the recovery fund that is more than five dollars. It started with marvelous old photos; I had never seen before; you will want a copy. So help out the recovery fund and share some great memories. Contact the school for details.

Clean up work groups will be formed
ahead of Fall Festival and as the streets open up to through traffic an effort to spruce up community will be organized. We will try to put on our best face for the outside world. If you are willing to help out, send email to me steve@elmwoodil.org or talk with Assoc. of Commerce organizers Pat McQuire, Denise Hotz, or Dianne Ladd. Wednesday, August 18, 2010 5:24 PM
John Hamann appointed by Peoria County
He will be the disaster liaison for Elmwood's recovery. Peoria County Disaster Coordinator Hamann served as a firefighter with the Pekin Fire Department for 22 years; eight years as Fire Chief. He also served as a senior fire science instructor at Illinois Central College and supervised the Tazewell County Hazardous Materials Response Team. Upon retiring from the Pekin Fire Department in 2002, Hamann became an enforcement and inspections officer for the McLean County Zoning Department. Most recently, Hamann served as Zoning Administrator of the Building & Zoning Department for Woodford County. Journal Star Wednesday, August 18, 2010 5:24 PM
Highway Repairs coming to Elmwood
IL Route 78 and IL Route 8 come through Elmwood as West Main and North Magnolia Streets. IDOT has road repairs scheduled for these routes. Patching and road surface preparation will begin in September. After Fall Festival resurfacing will begin; it will be finished by the the end of September. Traffic will begin flowing through Elmwood by September, so more good weather is needed to hasten repairs. Wednesday, August 18, 2010 1:07 PM
Celebrate Elmwood Foods Now Open
Now Open: shining clean with new roof, new ceiling, fresh paint, hard polished floors, Elmwood Foods is looking good and looking for you. Nancy got groceries there yesterday and I took some photos. I was in desperate need of half and half. There are those who would not put half and half in their freshly ground coffee, but they would not be part of the civilized portion of our population.

Melon Season

Produce and floors both shine

Meat counter and Deli area

A cart is waiting for you come on in.
Help get a needed business get back in the black; I have never seen the store look better. Elmwood Foods reopen overcoming all obstacles to be here for you. Wednesday, August 11, 2010 4:21 PM
WCBU FM has local news on new web site
Business Owners Group Meeeting Tonight
The meeting tonight will be held at the library at 6 PM. Among the topics discussed will be having the business owners group join the Association of Commerce. This will unite efforts for recovery and strengthen efforts to promote businesses in Elmwood. Tuesday, August 10, 2010 1:32 PM
Support for Local People in Service
The ice cream social to raise money for our local service people has become an annual event. Held in conjunction with the summer band concerts it is a marvelous opportunity to add a small touch of home to our deployed troops. We at home eat cake and ice cream on a lovely Sunday evening while our troops risk their lives for us, an unequal sacrifice.

Aug. 8, 2010 Ice Cream Social at Municipal Band Concert
The last band concert will be held at the newly remodelled auditorium at Elmwood Schools. Aug. 15th at 2 PM the band will be a part of the open house. Details Monday, August 9, 2010 9:51 AM
Thanks to all you who came out on a Friday Night
We have started a movement to better inform everyone. Letters are going out to request cooperation from various entities. We are trying to use this web site and the Tri-County News as a public record. An example of the letter is on A Better Elmwood Facebook Group If you have an interest or ideas to share in any of the four topic areas please let me know. I work to put you in touch with those working on these project areas.
Public Meeting for Elmwood Renewal
A meeting will be held at the Elmwood United Methodist Church at 7:30 PM on Friday August 6th. The approved recovery plan will be discussed and strategies for economic renewal in Elmwood will be presented. Four committees will be established: 1) one to coordinate communication between all Elmwood groups, 2) one to research ways to make Elmwood a more livable community, 3) one to promote making existing businesses more profitable, and 4) one to market Elmwood and recruit new businesses. In listening to people these past two months I have learned that we share common goals, We often disagree while demanding the same results. A few will never be a part of the solution, but I believe 95% of us are seeking a common future for Elmwood, we mostly agree.

We need to establish formal communication links to end misinformation, overlapping efforts, or working at cross purposes. It has become apparent to me that no one entity in Elmwood is capable of doing this. We need to establish a committee of the whole. In our modern age we can create ways to unify the flow of information, but it won't happen without a structure to do so. This will be the primary objective of the meeting. We are now two months past the tornado and we still do not have an economic recruitment effort underway, we will correct that on Friday. Our decision makers need all of us to reach out to gather all available and accurate information to base decisions on. This will require our global network. Become a part of Elmwood's renewal. We all want to be a part of this and it will need all of us to succeed, at least 95%.
5 Priorities of Renewal (now with 7 topics)
Elmwood Auditorium Open House and Dedication
On Sunday, August 15, 2010 beginning at 2:00 pm an open house and dedication of Elmwood's newly remodeled auditorium, come out to participate in a great community event. This is a welcome opportunity to enjoy this needed remodel of the school's auditorium. Performances by the community band, a video of Elmwood's tornado and aftermath, followed by refreshments and an opportunity to browse and chat at 3 pm. The auditorium is used by both the school and the community, and was showing the wear and tear of thirty years of service.
Shopper's New Home
The Home Shopper and Tri-County News have moved into old lumber yard. Tannock's Shear Edge is in the old west looking building, the Shopper is in the the tan building. Tuesday, August 3, 2010 9:26 PM

Shopper now on Hawthrone, across the street from soon to open grocery store.
Reynolds Theater & Americans with Disabilities Act
A large concern for all building owners trying to repair is what will be required to meet various building codes. Often mentioned with a tone of concern is the American with Disabilities Act and what may be required to satisfy that standard. The term reasonable accommodation is easily over looked, but sometimes it is a meaningful term. It appears a significant hurdle may have been reached in regards to the Palace Theatre. An agreement with an ADA representative in Springfield has been reported on the Save the Palace Theater Facebook Page The restrooms will not require accommodations that will prevent rebuilding the Palace. Tuesday, August 3, 2010 3:33 PM
Aug. 1st PJ Star Article by Steve Tarter
Proctor plans to have Elmwood office open by Jan 1st
Dr Baylor's office will reopen in Elmwood, plans were announced at today's news conference to remodel and be open by January 1. I took several photos at the well attended meeting at the Gazebo. Click to view several of the event and others from around town.
Dr. Hammond was recognized and everyone welcomed his attendance. Our local news outlets were there. On NPR, TV 25, and other outlets check them out to hear or see the conference. The Post Office is now open, Elmwood Foods is scheduled to re open on August 4th. The Brown Veterinary Clinic is temporarily open at 112 E Main ST, former Elmnet office. Hope rebounds. Monday, August 2, 2010 1:32 PM

What the clinic found after tornado.

What Proctor and Dr. Baylor propose by Jan 1, 2010.
Emily Webel now a contributor on the Blogher Network
Emily Webel has a blog entitled "Confessions of a Farm Wife" her blog will now be a part of the the Blogher Publishing Network Emily her husband Joe and three daughters live on a gravel road hence her subtitle "The Good, the Bad, and the Dirty Truth about Life on a Gravel Road" Reach her blog through the Facebook Page Emily is the daughter of Ted and Janet Mottaz. It is good that her amusing and insightful blog will now reach a wider audience. We have other Local Bloggers, if you are one; and not on the list let me know. I will add a link.
10 AM at Gazebo on Monday
Mayor Hulslander and Recovery Administrator Richard Taylor are inviting everyone to come to Central Park at 10 AM on Monday Aug. 2nd. Proctor representative and Dr. Baylor will hold an informational meeting about their commitment to Elmwood and providing medical services in Elmwood. Please come out. Sunday, August 1, 2010 11:49 AM
More Demos Today

The Whitney and McGuire buildings are scheduled to be demolished today. The Main ST corners are growing empty. I have several stories and photos I will try to get posted over the next two days. Check out Elmwood Tales a new section being created as soon as I finish this post. Tuesday, July 27, 2010 5:22 AM
News Updates May to August
June 5th, 2010
