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Schock Visits Elmwood

Mr Schock I had a Question

A Theory of Wealth

Rails to Prosperity

The American Dream

Modern Dilemma

Tarps Over Elmwood

Palace Wednesdays

This Week that Was

Act like an Adult

A. Lincoln Trips


Nauvoo IL an easy drive from Elmwood

Illinois' Native America Past

Fall Color Trip

Spring Mill Indiana

Burnside Bridge

Lincoln Douglas

early 20th Century Bridge



just email: The Steve

Mr. Schock I did have a few questions

The many bloviating buffoons of the chattering class try to sway opinion one way or another, simple facts are what is needed. We have been the victim of many, far too many feel good theories. A rational debate suffers from too many assaults by media campaigns. Campaigns paid for by interests who are depleting wealth. I will get back to wealth, but now we must discuss the deficit.

The deficit is what our government has run most years, almost every year with three exceptions. A quote from a 1998 report of the Joint Economic Committee Study (Link Fails Now, even own links fail, but a direct quote) "Only once since World War II, in 1947 through 1949, did the federal government have three consecutive budget surpluses. The only other postwar back-to-back surpluses came in 1956 and 1957." In 1998 our budget moved into surplus once again, this followed a Clinton policy of tax increase, a simple historical fact. Here is unfortunately where "you" came in, the budget surplus carried into 2001, but "you" didn't demand it be used to pay down our accumulated debt. In fact "you" allowed it to be squandered, maybe "you" stood cheering as your future diminished. Unfortunately, for me my future declined as well, I was not cheering.

2000-08 deficit Surplus

During the end of the Clinton administration, our budget was balanced and we paid down the debt. These are simple undebatable facts. The results of decisions made during the time frame of the chart are the problem today; we could have allowed our debt to continue to be paid down. We chose tax cuts, now, of course I didn't choose tax cuts. "You" chose tax cuts, I am in the boat. If "you" start punching holes in the hull, then I have to start bailing. Hoping "you" with the tools will start plugging the holes.

Deficit Cause

I realize the print is small on this projection chart, a little like Schock's projection chart but not 70 years only 10 year . The first part is not projected, if Bush tax cuts expire much of the deficit will end. Click for larger view.

Most talkers spend their air time obscuring the debate, sophistry reigns in debt and deficit discussions. "It isn't that hard" a famous Tea Party line. It isn't that hard for a tea partier

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