Fire Back Don't Think (cont.)
stump grinding
... Angry comments start coming at the velocity of Thursday's wind and many people are very depressed.
The Shopper published for the week of June 23 - 29 contained two letters one from Richard and Nancy Coon both with degrees and experienced in forestry recommending the City get an arborist and do a study of the park. They reside in Elmwood and organized the tree map of the park used by Elmwood High School in the students annual tree study. They hand delivered the letter to the Mayor and council member in charge of marking trees before Monday, but nothing was stopped. Robert Lott wrote a letter expressing his dismay at the tree removal. He minced few words, but Robert Lott will soon be ninety and has dedicated his life to Elmwood, I feel he is allowed to say what he thinks.
An article appearred in the PJ Star on Friday July 3, about the Park and the controversy surrounding the decision. Here is the link if you haven't read it. Elmwood Residents Mourn Beloved Trees --- News Link
The City of Elmwood posts in Shopper a letter thanking everyone for helping during the storm clean up and adds that an arborist from Hoerr's was consulted. ...