What's The Buzz, Tell Me What's Happening...

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Old Buzz (Previous Columns)



Baling Hay

I had to walk to school 25 miles through 8 ft of snow uphill both ways.  That is the stereotypical line from a parent to a child if the child is complaining about something.  Not in my household.  In my family it is…”Well it’s better than baling hay”.  

Picture this, you’re climbing up someone’s roof at a 45° angle, with a laptop and a $400 high speed internet antenna, when it is 125° outside and your shoes are melting to the shingles, and somehow you slip and fall and slide down the roof.  While you’re sliding down the roof your clothes are stripped off of you by the shingles, which are like sand paper for those of you who haven’t been on a roof.  Luckily your shoe withstood the shingles and caught the gutter.   

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Erik Davis

Now you’re hanging upside down, naked. Unfortunately the gutter wasn’t secured to the house sufficiently and it is coming off.  To your chagrin the girl that you have had a crush on for years is walking by and notices you and points and laughs.  While your vision blurs because of the blood rushing to your head you can barely make out the figure of your short portly Steve standing safely on the ground, shouting something at you.  You try to listen through the pounding of your pulse in your ears and you hear this.  “Well it’s better than baling hay.” 

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Garrison Keillor would say “Wouldn’t this be a good time for a piece of Bebopareebop Rhurbarb Pie.”  This week I did bale hay, well not a lot, but I unloaded three hay wagons with a total of around 500 bales of hay on them.  It was hard work, but I like hard work.  It was fun.  So at least now when Steve says to me, “Well, I baled hay.”  I can say, “So did I.”   And then he will no longer have that to use as a counterargument to my complaints.




J Hurlburt, Kossuth County Iowa

At least it wasn't one of these, Steve