Silver Screen Videos

Phone -- 742-3031
Address -- 126 E. Main St.
Elmwood, IL

Monday-Thursday -- 2:00pm - 8:00pm
Friday -- 2:00pm - 9:00pm
Saturday -- 12:00pm - 9:00pm
Sunday -- 1:00pm - 8:00pm

Owner -- John Pettit

Yellow Dot Movies (New Releases) -- $3.75
Blue Dot Movies (Up to 6 months old) -- $3.00
Green Dot Movies (6 months-1 yr old) -- $2.00
Red Dot Movies (Over 1 yr old) -- $1.00

Children's Movies
Blue Dot Movies -- $3.00
Green Dot Movies -- $2.00
Red Dot Movies -- $1.00
Yellow Star Movies -- $0.50

Candy - $0.69

A Family Friendly Movie Store.
Silver Screen Videos is the perfect video store for a small town. With a convienent location, great movies, and free popcorn, it has become a big attraction for families throughout the community.

The check-out an popcorn station.