
Topics in the IO

A Fun Historical Trip

Spring Mill Indiana

Central Park

Treebeard's Prophecy

Old Editorial Essays

Originally Posted on Elmnet

Editorial Philosophy

I may write controversial things, but I'm not petty. I never intend to be controversial; so I am always amazed when I write something that raises people's ire.

In these columns I will try to stay thoughtful and seek to evaluate life as it unfolds not through any lens. So if I arouse your ire or just your thoughts, you can interact with me

just email: The Steve


A Beautiful Valley


Many buildings are original others reconstructed

Spring Mills State Park's Pioneer Village reconstruction began in the 1930's by CCC. Some of the homes were moved to the location because they were constructed in the period. They have attempted to keep placement of building true to the original locations.


Here are some links to find more info.

Internet video of a visit to Spring Mill

Web site for Spring Mill Inn

Web site for Spring Mill State Park

You Tube video of Persimmon Festival at Park