I started a little back and forth over this post on Facebook. I have input from some other people. If you have your 2 cents worth to pitch in just email: The Steve
Read Original "You want to get Mad" I added numbers to track points
Steve Davis "Open Debate Essay"
I have found repostings of this all over the Internet. It seems it spread around Facebook and onto blogs. Christian Struzan (Possible Bio) works in Southern California. He works in a field distributing and promoting media products. His father worked for Lucas Studios. I hear the term "Hollywood Liberal" forming on the lips of some. I am not sure this Christian Struzan wrote the rant/vent.
Rhamy Nipper "Thoughts on 'You want to get Mad"
Carl Pridemore "Now you Get Mad Supreme Court"
Carl Pridemore has shared his thoughts follow our dialog by clicking Here.