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just email: The Steve



It finally came into the House of Representatives where ardent pro-lifer Bart Stupak was called “baby killer” by Randy Neugebauer of Lubbock TX, or maybe just “it’s a baby killer.” Either spin really puts the exclamation point on the end of civility in our politics.


Even though fact checks stated federally funded abortions were not a part of the bill the hysteria continued.

We have been like this before the “know-nothing” movement, the hyperbolic secessionist rhetoric, the extreme segregationists of the Dixiecrats who now make up the GOP base. We have survived many other demagogues with misguided causes throughout our history. It is never healthy, but we can be cured.  This health care bill will begin the healing because it isn’t much of anything the protesters claimed it was. So truth will win out. Congress will want to make changes and improvements, but the reform bill will prove itself by not killing grandma, stealing freedom, or ending our American civilization. If you want to find the districts of the most extreme congressmen on healthcare reform check out this

2008Election2008 Election Trends

map from the 2008 election. Click County Leaders

Pick a crazy congressman find the least blue areas stick a pin in it.  Sticking a pin in a congressman would not be an act of civility; it would be an act of Voo Doo which the Tea'ers believe is now practiced in the White House.