Right Wing Hatred by Carl Pridemore
It was almost as if I had not even asked the question. To this day, no example has been given. My mind started to churn and I remembered an event in St. Louis. A crime had been committed. A crime that is usually referred to as a hate crime. The beaten man's name is Kenneth Gladney. Mr. Gladney is a black man. He was beaten by a group of white men. I would be surprised if any of you have heard of this black man that was beaten by white men. Where was Al Sharpton? Where was Jesse? The main street media did not think it worthy of play time. I challenge you to research this incident. My mind was still churning and I thought of a web site that clearly demonstrated anger, hatred and a call for violent actions against the president. I offered this link, http://www.binscorner.com/pages/d/death-threats-against-bush-at-protests-i.html for investigation. Why don't you stop now and take a look?
Derisive images are common in politics
Why does the media choose which stories to run with and which ones to ignore? Why do we know EVERYTHING there is to know about Sarah Palin but we are not allowed to read Obama's college senior thesis? Who received more pre election scrutiny? Can you trust the main street media to give you the facts? Could it be the media has an agenda and the examples I have given to you do not fit the "protect Obama template?" Do you believe the Tea Party and the right wing in general are filled with racists, hate, anger and wanting to commit violent crimes against Obama? Why? Where do you get these ideas? Other than what the liberal media has been hammering you with for the last year to year and a half, what proof do you have?